Opportunities Bulletin
At VTEC, we proudly present a range of exciting opportunities for all Tribal Citizens and students enrolled in our programs. From scholarships and internships to work-based learning, summer camps, job opportunities, and more, there’s something for everyone! We particularly encourage those with an interest in STEM and CTE fields to get involved. Each opportunity may have specific eligibility requirements, so be sure to check the details. For more information, feel free to reach out to our team at VTECStaff@vtecinc.org.
Wa:Ç«špépioį: Indigenous Students
Summer Outreach Program
Virginia Tech would like to welcome Native and Indigenous prospective high school students to a FREE One-Week On-Campus higher education summer experience - Wa:Ç«špépioį : Indigenous Student Summer Outreach Program.
Dates: July 15 - 20, 2024
Wa:Ç«špépioį means "student" or "one who wishes to know" in Yesa:sahį, the Tutelo-Saponi Language, which is spoken by the Yesah / Monacan /Tutelo-Saponi peoples on whose ancestral homelands Virginia Tech occupies. The program offers Native youth the opportunity to engage in the university campus experience and with the many possibilities for postsecondary studies, campus programs, events and networks. During the program, participants stay in one of the Virginia Tech's dormatories and have meals together in one of the campus dining halls. Current Virginia Tech students serve as peer leaders and mentors and engage program participants with the campus facilities and programs.
Some of the experiences include...
Exploring Regenerative Agriculture
Field Trips to research farms and the campus Indigenous Community Garden
Cooking Demonstrations
Campus Tours
Cultural Workshops
Speaker Series from Indigenous Scientists, Historians and Transdisciplinary researchers
College Application and Preparation workshops
A Visit and Session to Virginia Tech's Hip Hop recording Studio
Click the flyer to visit the website for this opportunity!